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Customer Choice Service Types, Customer Choice Service Types, The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has established rules for customers who choose to switch from traditional bundled electric service to Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) or Direct Access (DA) service. The following is intended to help you better understand these rules and the different providers of electric generation services., Bundled Service, Customers that receive both electric generation and electric delivery service from SDG&E receive what is called "bundled service." The electric generation and delivery rates are bundled together into a single pricing plan. Customers who receive electric generation from a Community Choice Aggregator or Electric Service Provider, but receive electric delivery service from SDG&E, have an unbundled pricing plan that includes the electric delivery service only. , Transitional Bundled Service, Transitional Bundled Service (TBS) is an electric generation rate for Direct Access and Community Choice Aggregation customers for whom SDG&E procures electric energy on a temporary basis. This applies to: Customers who opt out of a CCA after the notification period and do not provide a six-month notice to return to SDG&E bundled service. Direct Access customers who do not provide a six-month notice to return to SDG&E bundled service. Direct Access customers who receive electric generation from SDG&E during the transition between electric service providers. Pricing plan estimates and bill forecasts are based on SDG&E bundled prices and are not calculated using TBS generation rates. , Community Choice Aggregation (CCA), Community Choice Aggregators purchase electricity, and establish their own generation rates and prices for customers within their jurisdiction. Pricing Plan estimates and bill forecasts are based on SDG&E bundled prices and are not calculated using CCA generation rates. For a comparison of CCA and SDG&E rate prices, view our Joint Rate Comparison . For questions related to CCA rates and prices, please contact your CCA . , Direct Access (DA), Direct Access is a program that allows eligible non-residential customers to receive their electric generation from Energy Service Providers (ESPs). ESPs purchase electric energy, and establish their own generation rates and prices for customers. For questions related to an ESPs rates and prices, please contact your ESP. For general information about the Direct Access program, visit our DA page .
Exclusions from 2019 Time-of-Use transition, Exclusions from 2019 Time-of-Use transition, The following customers will be exempt from the 2019 mass transition to Time-of-Use pricing: Customers participating in the Medical Baseline program Customers who are eligible for the CARE or FERA programs, and, who also live in SDG&E’s Mountain and Desert climate zones Customers who installed solar systems after 6/29/16 and before 3/31/18 (NEM 2.0). These customers will be transitioned to a Time-of-Use pricing plan either five years from the date their system is activated or June 2021, whichever comes first. Customers who are already on a Time-of-Use plan, including electric vehicle (EV) plans For a complete list of exclusions, visit: http://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/PublishedDocs/Published/G000/M250/K279/250279386.PDF , Section 3.4.
Opting Out of Time-of-Use Pricing Plans - Chinese, 選擇退出Time-of-Use費率計劃, 一如我們承諾,您可以選擇退出全新Time-of-Use費率計劃。 Time-of-Use讓您在有更多再生能源供電時,將用電時間轉換到電費較低的時段,但您有可能不願選擇這個計劃。不過,您知道您可以試用一 年 零風險 嗎 ? 如果您的電費比以前的(標準)計劃高,我們會將差額退還給您。就這麼簡單。我們也提供不同的 Time-of-Use 費率計劃供您參考。 如果您仍確信Time-of-Use計劃不適合您,請點擊 此處 查看其他可用的計費計劃選項。選擇權在於您!
Business Thermostat, Smart Thermostat Program for Business, SDG&E’s Smart Thermostat program previously provided customers who enrolled in the AC Saver thermostat program the opportunity to conserve energy and earn financial rewards. For residential customers, click here . Smart Thermostat for Biz The Smart Thermostat program and AC Saver thermostat program are now closed. In compliance with a California Public Utilities Commission decision issued on December 20, 2023, these programs have been discontinued. For information on thermostat rebates, visit braelyngenerator.net/rebates . , How the Program Works, Business customers previously had the opportunity to purchase and register up to four approved Smart Thermostats and enroll in a program. As a thank you, customers were eligible to receive a financial incentive.